Careers Education Header

career education, information, advice and guidance

Empowering creative thinkers to be successful in work and life.

Our mission is to provide high quality careers education and raise the aspirations for all young people.

We want to increase motivation by linking industry led training with preparation for work and life.

We provide an inclusive and supportive environment with continual opportunities to work and think differently.

Careers focused plans designed around the individual

Respect and recognition for all choices of positive progression

Employer engagement and networking to ensure maximum opportunity and enrichment

Aspirational goals and unlocking potential

Targeted support and advice for priority groups

Inclusivity and widening participation for all learners

Valuable industry experience and training from local businesses, guests and our own professional

Experiences in the workplace, with employers and further/ higher education


At Dv8 we recognise the important role and contribution that parents and carers can make to a young persons’ choices and decisions. We would encourage you to take an interest in your child’s progress on their course with their studies at Dv8 and also beyond to their career and life goals after they complete their studies. Research has shown that parents/carers are a significant influence on young people’s goals and aspirations. Some of the ways in which you can help your child are:

  • Check in with them regularly about their studies – ask what they are enjoying, what topics they are currently studying or projects they are working on.
  • Take notice of any relevant news items linked to their subject or career interest area
  • Highlight relevant role models and success stories to inspire and motivate them
  • Help them to find suitable work experience placements – do you have friends, colleagues, neighbours or other networks who may be able to help or offer some work experience.
  • Remind them to keep important deadlines for example if they want to stay at Dv8 next year they should apply by 10 February; they must confirm their work experience placement by end February.

Useful Links and Resources 


If you would like some help and advice to support your child with their career plans take a look at this free e-book packed full of ideas and advice to help them think through their skills and interests and to draw up an action plan to help move them forward in their career.

Don’t forget if your child would like a 1-1 virtual careers interview they can arrange this with Get Careers Confident by completing the form following this link:

Get Career Confident Personal guidance booking form – remote guidance



Students, as part of their careers curriculum work, will learn about CEIAG which has been specifically developed for Dv8 students. Assessments and assignments and other activities related to CEIAG will be captured on Arbor as with any of their vocational units. This will include:

  • IAG sessions 121 with an advisor
  • Attendance at careers days or events
  • Preparation for work
  • Writing CVs
  • Work experience log
  • Work experience evaluation
  • Preparation for FE/ HE
  • Application processes
  • Writing personal statements
  • Spectrum of progression opportunities (research skills)

work experience

Dv8 will continue to work with local businesses and organisations to ensure that our goal of 100% work experience completion is worked towards throughout the year, with a focused week in March and Social Action Projects in place for those not ready for a work placement. There is also a pilot project , separately funded for 1 year, to support the development of 45 days WEX placements for 12 selected students. Visit our work experience page here.

Want to speak to someone about our careers strategy or work experience?

Please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Co-ordinator, Louis Elkhatib on

Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)

If you find yourself in a position where you’re not currently studying in college or employed, you might want to speak to some of these local organisations who can help support young people back into education, training or employment.