What are the benefits of work experience?
The beauty of work experience is that you get to try out a role or industry without fully committing to it. You’ll have a clearer idea of the expectations and demands of that position. As part of every course students are expected to complete a work experience placement. You will start to think about this in your first term and look for suitable placements. This experience could be the deciding factor as to what you decide to do after Dv8 as well as gaining valuable employability skills.
Work experience is great for developing both new skills and those that you already possess. These will include communication skills, practical skills, team work and working independantly. When at interviews, you can talk about how you used these skills in a professional environment. You’ll also improve your confidence, maturity and knowledge.
Have you ever heard the expression it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”? Well it definitely helps to have connections when it comes to work. Internships and work experience offer the chance to meet new professionals and industry experts. Who knows who you’ll meet and what opportunities might come your way?
You can learn skills and grow confidence at school and in college, but there are some skills and practices that you can only learn in the workplace, and work experience can introduce you to them early. You’ll also quickly learn the dos and don’ts of the workplace – Punctuality and politeness. “I want to employ someone who is always late” said no boss ever!!
If you want to get ahead of your competition then work experience is going to help you do that. If you have the same qualifications as another job interviewee, your work experience is going to stand out and make you look like a more valuable candidate. Experience is just as important as qualifications when it comes to getting that first great job.
Internships and work experience often lead to full or part time paid positions. Perform well and you might be offered a permanent position once you have finished your Dv8 course.

- Looking for resources to help get you started thinking about and looking for work experience?
Start with these:
Are you a local organisation based around Brighton or Bexhill?
We have over 200 students across both our campuses looking for meaningful work experience placements throughout the year.
If you are an employer who is able to offer a work experience opportunity or you have any questions about our employer engagement work, Industry Placement programme or work experience please contact our Marketing & Stakeholder Engagement Co-ordinator, Louis Elkhatib on l.elkhatib@londonlc.org.uk