Welcome to Learning Support! We are a friendly supportive team, both in and out of the classroom to ensure that you have a great learning experience at Dv8. The Learning Support team works closely with tutors to ensure that your needs are met in class and to assist you with your learning. The team has a variety of knowledge in creative and vocational subjects, across several levels, so are able to support you from Maths to Music! The Learning Support team is also there to ensure that your wellbeing and pastoral needs are met – we are always around for a friendly chat! 

The support we offer includes: 

  • One to one sessions with specialist staff
  • Group work – Life skills / employability programme
  • Personalised support in the classroom
  • Catch up sessions and drop-ins 
  • Learning resources for Special Educational Needs 
  • Support with getting specific needs for exams sorted, such as extra time or a reader
  • Welfare advice, including drop ins 
  • Employability, careers advice and support with UCAS applications 
  • Financial support and advice 
  • Access to counselling and other services 

Information for parents: 

We provide support for learners with EHCP’s. This process starts right at the beginning of the application process. We will invite your young person in for a meeting with our SENCO and Learning Support Coordinator to ensure that we can support your young person whilst they are with us. EHCP learners have access to a support worker in sessions, who works with the learner in a way that is best suited for them based on EHCP outcomes. Our staff take the time to get to know learners, and to tailor learning to suit individual needs. A bespoke transition package can be tailored to the individuals needs. This will ensure that each learner has a trusted adult that they can approach for support both in and beyond the classroom.

Provision for High Needs:   Ofsted Rating Good – March 2020